Monday, August 4, 2008

A New Adventure

Some may have noticed that I haven't been around the Mono irc channels lately. I recently started working at Applied Signal Technology in Salt Lake City on July 7th.

One project I work on is an embedded board with some Xilinx FPGAs, one of which has an embedded ppc processor. It runs embedded linux and does signal processing in the FPGA. The kernel and embedded linux has been a long time favorite of mine.

The other project is a state-of-health hardware and environment monitoring system written in C++/QT. Having been using Python for monobuild and been in the Gnome/Mono circle for a few years, it has been quite the shift to use C++. I found an interesting white paper comparing C++/qt and Java, but have not formalized any opinions yet. Comments?

I wanted to give an update on my disappearance as well as express my graditude to Novell, my fellow co-workers, and the Mono community. It was a great 3 years and an awesome experience. Thanks especially to Andrew and Marc to taking over the build and release processes. We spent my last week or two at Novell transitioning things over and I've also spent some time since then helping them out. I'm fully confident they will do a superb job with Mono 2.0.

Good luck to everyone with the upcoming release. I wish y'all and the Mono project the best.


Jonathan said...

Best of luck Wade!

Unknown said...

Interesting stuff! Have fun, and keep us posted! :)

Anonymous said...

You may find as a useful resource for your FPGA work.

Good luck with you new venture